Taken from Dr. Thibault's Medical Resources on the Internet, US
Navy, 6th Edition, October 2000.
Clipart...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Continuing Medical
Education............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Dental....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Dermatology............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Ear, Nose, and Throat............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Emergency Medicine............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Ethics........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Family Practice...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Internal Medicine................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
AIDS:.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Allergy:................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Cardiology:.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Endocrinology:.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Gastroenterology:............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Hematology/Oncology...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Infectious Diseases.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Pulmonary:......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Rheumatology:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Journals On-Line................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Laboratory............................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Medical History................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Medical Humor..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Medical Reference
Databases........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Clinical Practice
Guidelines:............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Evidence Based
Medicine:.............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Medical Database
Searching:......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Medical Links:................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
On-Line Books:................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Well-rounded General
Medical Resource Sites........................................................................................................................... 19
Defence Sites:...................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Nursing Sites....................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Obstetrics and
Gynaecology.............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Ophthalmology..................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Parenting.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Patient Education................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Pediatrics.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Pharmacology Databases................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Preventive Medicine............................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Psychiatry/Psychology....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Radiology............................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Search Engines.................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Social Services/Support
Groups....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Medicine/Orthopedics........................................................................................................................................................... 32
Surgery/Anesthesiology.................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Telemedicine........................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Urology.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
About.com’s Clipart Index for Medical and
A collection of websites dealing with medical topics—anatomy, body parts, disabilities, medical, science, etc. Very nice collection, easy to navigate, reviews.
Address: http://webclipart.about.com/internet/webclipart/msubmenu30.htm
The CDC Clipart Gallery
A collection of mainly black and white clipart with emphasis on diabetes, but a number of other medical topics.
Links to a wide variety of clipart, web page clipart, a few medical. Most are animated for use with a webpage.
Address: http://www.clipartconnection.com/index.html
GraphyxKingdom’s Medical Clipart
A site with a new but
growing collection of color cartoon-type medical clipart, mostly icons at this
Address: http://www.graphxkingdom.com/shtml/medical1.shtml
Graphyx by GeoNurse—nursing and medical
A nice site with nursing
borders and backgrounds for web pages as well as nursing and medical clipart.
Address: http://www.geocities.com/geonurse/geographix2.html
A large set of links to
websites with free clipart. A large variety of clipart, most non-medical.
Jerry Ming’s Medical Clipart
Very nice black and white medical clipart
Variety of clipart with a lot of medical, all black & white. Also has a lot of comics, such as dozens of Calvin and Hobbes.
Cyberounds CME Online
Online CME on recent topics in the news.
Doctors Guide to Medical Conferences,
Congresses & Meetings
A list of medical conferences being given worldwide, with addresses to write to for further information, sorted by date/location or subject (your choice). The AAFP annual meeting is listed, as well as most CME conferences I know about.
Federal Practitioner CME
Online free CME from our Federal Practitioner journal.
Address: http://www.fedprac.com/
A Continuing Medical Education resource with Q&A quizzes, cases of the month, pearls, interactive case studies, etc.
Medscape Multispecialty Conference Schedules
Click on a specialty, date range or location and get a list of conferences.
Address: http://www.medscape.com/Home/Topics/multispecialty/directories/dir-MULT.ConfSchedules.html
Medscape--Exam Room
Has picture tours, journal club, medical self-assessment quizzes, other educational tools.
On-line Continuing Medical Education
A webpage from ProMedica Health Systems, has links to sites that offer CME on-line.
Dentists Guide to the Internet—from U Seek U
Websites/links dealing with dentistry
Address: http://www.useekufind.com/medent.htm
Hardin MetaDirectory: Dental Links
Many links to links for Dental resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
An award-winning website with a fascinating dental history page, many patient education materials including "Dentistry and Scuba Diving", "Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome", "Halitosis", "Latex Allergy", and others, and resources for dentists.
Tooth or Consequences
Dental Humor (you have to be a dentist to appreciate it!)--From Dentists for Dentists Online.
DermIS: Dermatology Online Atlas (DOIA):
An excellent Dermatology database from the Dermatology Internet Service It has >1600 derm pictures on-line, and is growing. The database is partly latin (ex. vitiligo) and partly German (ex. varizella) but you will see that that does not detract from its usefullness--the German is recognizable in most cases.
Example: Four pictures of Acanthosis nigricans
Hardin MetaDirectory: Dermatology Links
Many links to links for Derm resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
A new and growing collection of Derm pictures sorted by diagnosis.
Example: Pictures of gangrene, keratoacanthoma, SLE, etc.
Address: http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/cont-ed/infotech/der-main.htm
University of Wales College of Medicine
Dermatology Links
A large list of websites/links dealing with Dermatology.
Address: http://www.uwcm.ac.uk/uwcm/dm/dermlink.html
Cleft Palate and Other Oral/Facial Disorder
Has links to the listserves concerning oral/facial disorders, support groups, physician information, journals, associations and patient education.
Address: http://www.mankato.msus.edu/dept/comdis/kuster2/sldisorders/cleftpalate.html
Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook of Otolaryngology
A collection of grand-rounds handouts from the University of Texas has now become and on-line textbook. Written for ENT residents, this collection is very well done and easy to understand. Many chapters were written in 1999. I particularly liked one entitled “ Non-neoplastic Diseases of the Thyroid Gland,” from Feb 99.
Address: http://www.utmb.edu/oto/Grnds.dir/Grnds.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Otolaryngology Links
Many links to links for ENT resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/oto.html
From the Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department of Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany. A nice gallery of ENT pictures.
Address: http://www.med.uni-muenchen.de/~hno/hnonline/gallery/homepage.eng.html
Kuster’s Speech and Language Disorders
A nice collection of links dealing with speech and language disorders, grouped as fluency disorders, voice disorders, child language disorders, speech sound disorders, prevention of communication disorders, etc.
Address: http://www.mankato.msus.edu/dept/comdis/kuster2/splang.html
MedMark: Otorhinolaryngologic Disease Links
A huge list of websites/links dealing with ENT topics
On-Line Airway Atlas
A promising collection of pictures of vocal cord, largyngeal and other airway lesions and devices. Pictures are a bit small, but clear.
Virtual Otolaryngology Clinic, Japan: ENT
Another nice collection of ENT pictures, particularly ear/TM pathology. (Each picture comes with a cute little penguin!)
Address: http://www.apionet.or.jp/~yoishizu/E_version/LecE_index.html
Common Simple Emergencies
Treatment guidelines for simple emergencies--foreign bodies in various orifices, colored urine, URIs, dental emergencies, etc.
Disaster Preparedness: Radiation Exposure
Information and links to information on what to do in the event of radiation exposure
Address: http://radefx.bcm.tmc.edu/ionizing/ionizing.htm
The Emergency Medicine and Primary Care Homepage
Provides some wonderful educational resources—a radiology library, CT scan library, Medical Photography library, Pediatric Emergency Medicine clinical cases (multi-media), Megacode simulator, “EKG of the month” quiz, and PALS Megacode simulator.
Address: http://www.embbs.com/
Hardin MetaDirectory: Emergency Medicine Links
Many links to links for emergency medicine resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Lists phone numbers for each state’s poison control centers. (The Internet Public Library at www.ipl.org is a great site in and of itself.)
Address: http://www.ipl.org/youth/poisonsafe/pcenters.html
MedicCom's Library of Disaster Links: the
Homepage of Disaster
Links to all the important websites to know in a disaster, including the National Disaster Communications Response Team, the American Red Cross, FEMA, etc.
Address: http://mediccom.org/public/links.html
Centre for Applied Ethics: BioEthics and
Healthcare Ethics Resources on the WWW
A site from the University of British Columbia, Canada lists online publications with ethics information,.on-line forums for discussing ethics, topical WWW resource on ethics, organizations, courses, etc.
Address: http://www.ethics.ubc.ca/resources/biomed/
The Christian Medical and Dental Society
A Christian site for doctors and dentists. Includes a large list of position papers on various ethical issues, domestic and foreign mission opportunities, Christian medical conferences, practice opportunities, and information sheets on health and ethical issues from a Christian physician’s perspective, such as Stress Management, Alternative Medicine and Nutrition.
Address: http://www.cmds.org/
Codes of Ethics Online: Health Care
Has a large list of links to ethics resources online, organized by topic and by medical association or organization authoring the codes.
Address: http://csep.iit.edu/codes/health.html
The Institute for Jewish Medical Ethics
Provides the Jewish viewpoint on medical ethics with a series of well-written articles on a wide variety of topics—abortion, death &dying, artificial insemination, etc.
Address: http://www.ijme.org/
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
This website has a section for members called American Family Physician On-line, and a section free for anyone called Family Medicine On-line. The journal American Family Physician is now on-line, in the free section.
Address: http://www.aafp.org
American Board of Family Practice (ABFP)
Has information on Residency Training Requirements, Certificates of Added Qualifications, general contents of the Family Practice Board Exam.
Address: http://www.abfp.org
Child Preventive Care Timetable
The latest immunization timetable for children
Address: http://augusta.webpoint.com/health/timekid.htm
Family Practice.com
Reference guides and decision flow charts in various areas of family practice, decision support tools, educational modules, patient simulators, in-training exams, and original articles. American Board of Family Practice and Kurzweil Technologies, Inc.
Address: http://www.familypractice.com/index.htm
Hardin MetaDirectory: Family Medicine Links
Many links to links for family medicine resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/fam.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Geriatrics Links
Many links to links for Geriatrics resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/ger.html
MatWeb: Links to Internet Websites with Medical Images
X-rays, CT scans, Histo, Dermatology, lots of neat pictures--links to many of the websites in the world that have medical images.
Address: http://matweb.hcuge.ch/matweb/Medical_search/Medical_images.htm
MDChoice: The Ultimate Medical Information Finder.
Formerly called NetMedicine, this site now has both medical provider access and patient access. The medical provider access area has Medline, EKG of the Month, Radiology, Photo Rounds, etc.
MDChoice Photo Rounds
Test your mettle with some nice clinical cases and color photos.
Address: http://www.mdchoice.com/Photo/photos.asp
University of Iowa FP Handbook
A GREAT reference for FP docs, very detailed--hard to believe it is free On-line!
World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA)
Updates, a newsletter, and membership information regarding this international physician organization dedicated to improving the quality of life.
AIDS Research Information Center Homepage
Nicely organized site with all of the latest, up-to-date info.
Address: http://www.critpath.org/aric/
AIDS Treatment Information Service
Newspaper-style with the latest new on AIDS Treatments
Address: http://www.hivatis.org/atisinfo.html
CDC National Prevention Information Network
(formerly National AIDS Clearinghouse)
AIDS publications, posters, database on-line, latest “straight from the horse’s mouth.”
Address: http://www.cdcnpin.org/
Allergy, Asthma and Immunology On-line
Nice site from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Has patient, physician and employer information as well as allergy topics “in the news.”
Address: http://allergy.mcg.edu/
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and
Immunology On-line
Has slide educational slideshows, pollen & spore counts, Health News, info on food allergies and an assortment of other topics
MedScout’s Allergy Links
A large list of links to allergy-related websites.
The Auscultation Assistant
A phenomenal collection of very clear heart sounds with descriptions of them.
Address: http://www.med.ucla.edu/wilkes/intro.html
Cardiology Compass
Access to information on ongoing and previous trials in cardiology and a wealth of other Cardiology information
Address: http://www.cardiologycompass.com/
Hardin MetaDirectory: Cardiology Links
Many links to links for cardiology resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/cardio.html
Steve Zweibel’s Cardiology/Medicine-Related
Web Sites
A large list of websites dealing with Cardiology topics
Address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/slz/cardiolo.htm
University of Kansas Cardiology CME
With their atlases of EKGs, heart murmurs, and echocardiograms you can review an EKG on LBBB, listen to a heart murmur of aortic stenosis (if your computer is capable) or look up the echo on the diagnosis of your choice.
Address: http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/cont-ed/infotech/car-main.htm
The American Foundation of Thyroid Patients
A good example of a full service disease-oriented site with patient education, support services, internet links, newsletter, etc. Their newsletter is written by physicians and is actually quite good.
Address: http://www.thyroidfoundation.org/
CDC's Diabetes Public Health Resources
The latest from the "Mecca" including publications and clipart.
Address: http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/
Hardin MetaDirectory: Endocrinology Links
Many links to links for endocrine resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/endocrin.html
A large list of websites/links dealing with Endocrine topics
Address: http://medmark.org/endo/endo2.html
American Society for Gastrointestinal
Endoscopy Website
A nice collection of position statements and patient care guidelines on a variety of GI topics, for example: the role of endoscopic surveillance in inflammatory bowel disease, the role of endoscopy in colon cancer screening, approach to the patient with lower GI bleed, etc.
Atlas of GI Endoscopy from Atlanta South Gastroenterology
Numerous scope pictures of anatomy and pathology throughout the alimentary tract, including some interesting foreign body ingestions.
Address: http://www.mindspring.com/~dmmmd/atlas_1.html
CDC’s “Helicobacter pylori and Peptic Ulcer
A nice patient handout.
Address: http://www.cdc.gov/ulcer/
Freytag, Kutscha and Deist’s Atlas of
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Another very nice atlas of endoscopy, this one form Aschersleben, Germany—but written in English. Not quite as many pictures as the Atlanta South’s Atlas above, but more detailed descriptions.
Address: http://home.t-online.de/home/afreytag/indexe.htm
A high-tech site from Gastroenterology Consultants in Connecticut. Nice photos and videos—including videos of colon polyps, ERCP, etc.
Address: http://www.gastro.com/photo.htm
Gives info and links to information on gastrostomy tubes
Address: http://www.iinet.com.au/~scarffam/gtube.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Gastroenterology Links
Many links to links for gastroeneterology resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/gastro.html
HepNet: The Hepatitis Information Network
Has descriptions, slide presentations and quizzes on the different types of hepatitis, as well as detailed information and links for physicians. Sponsored by Schering-Plough.
Address: http://www.hepnet.com/
Jefferson Digestive Disease Institute: GI
Another large set of links on GI topics, including patient education.
Address: http://jeffline.tju.edu/CWIS/DEPT/GI/links.html
A nice collection of laparoscopy resources, including photos, very nice video clips—not just GI, also has gynecology, neurosurgery,. vascular and urology information.
Address: http://www.laparoscopy.com/
MedScout: Digestive System Diseases
A large list of websites/links dealing with GI topics but organized by Organ/Disease.
Address: http://www.medscout.com/diseases/digestive/index.htm
MedWebPlus: Gastroenterology
A large list of websites/links dealing with GI topics
Address: http://www.medwebplus.com/subject/Gastroenterology.html
Taipei Medical College’s Endoscopy Video Clips
Not a large number of video clips, but very good quality—gastritis, erosions, ulcers, etc.
University of Iowa’s Pediatric Gastroenterology
An amazing site on Pediatric GI, including a Pediatric GI atlas, a slide presentation on GE reflux, differential diagnosis of pediatric abdominal pain, and info on Hirschsprung’s Disease
Address: http://gut1.peds.uiowa.edu/
The Virtual Hospital GI Atlas
One more atlas, this one from the wonderful Virtual Hospital at the University of Iowa.
Address: http://www.vh.org/Providers/TeachingFiles/GIAtlas/AtlasHome.html
BloodLine: The On-Line Hematology Resource
An On-line Hematology reference, sponsored by Bayer. Has a small hematology atlas, nice lecture notes, and complete journal articles on hematology topics. Small at present, but promising.
Harvard’s Hematology Image Atlas
Very nice clear pictures of all the major blood diseases and of normal blood cells.
Address: http://hms.medweb.harvard.edu/nmw/qry/core/setframe.cfm?crs=HSHeme
MedScout: Cancer Links and Information
Many websites/links on Oncology topics
Address: http://www.medscout.com/diseases/cancer/index.htm
NCI’s Cancernet: Cancer Information
An excellent site with information for both patients and medical professionals from the National Cancer Institute. It has information on all types of cancer on the latest teatments, prognosis statistics, clinical trials available, etc.
Address: http://cancernet.nci.nih.gov
The Sickle Cell Information Center
A nice site with patient and physician educational materials, clinical practice guidelines, Powerpoint slide presentations, and other resources dealing with sickle cell disease.
Address: http://www.emory.edu/PEDS/SICKLE/
Thomas DeLoughery’s Famous Hematology Handouts
Very well-done discussions on a wide variety of hematology topics, thorough, practical. Thorough enough to be book chapters rather than handouts.
Address: http://www.ohsu.edu/som-hemonc/handouts/deloughery/
The Tillison Research Center: Brain Cancer
From the National Cancer Institute, a site with patient info, treatment info, ongoing clinical trials, etc. Has some beautiful color patient education handouts with great easy-to-understand pictures of parts of the brain (good for describing the location of their cancer, for instance)
Address: http://home.att.net/~TillisonC/index.htm
All the Virology on the WWW
A nice site striving to be the single best virology source on the internet—and it probably is, with over 2,600 links to virus sites and The Big Picture Book of Viruses, which is nothing short of phenomenal.
Address: http://www.tulane.edu/~dmsander/garryfavweb.html
American Society of Parasitologists
Has a nice collection of a large variety of images of parasites—including clear pictures of leeches that would make your blood crawl! Also has an interesting section on “delusional parasitosis” (the mistaken belief one is being infested by parasites) and another section on actual parasites many people really are bothered by.
Address: http://www-museum.unl.edu/asp/photo.html
DPDx: The CDC’s Parasitology Image Library
The Centers for Disease Control’s extensive collection of parasite pictures. Intended for identification of parasites found.
Address: http://www.dpd.cdc.gov/DPDx/HTML/Image_Library.htm
Hardin MetaDirectory: Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases
Many links to links for Microbiology & ID resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/micro.html
Iowa State Entomology Index of Internet
Links to bugs on the web—images of insects, electronic publications, pesticides, conferences, even insect sounds, views of the world through a bee or fly’s eye, insect atlases, virtual insects, and <blush> insect genitalia.
Address: http://www.ent.iastate.edu/List/
A very nice online textbook, complete with color pictures and electron micrographs of organisms. Has chapters on Normal Flora, Bacterial Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Anaerobes, Salmonella, Rickettsiae, etc. etc.
Address: http://gsbs.utmb.edu/microbook/
Mycology Online
The best on-line atlas of fungal infections, with pictures and descriptions, that I have seen. Very nicely done.
Address: http://www.mycology.adelaide.edu.au/
Queensland University of Technology’s
Parasitology Images
A nice collection of a large (dozens) variety of images of parasites—including clear pictures of leeches that would make your blood crawl!
Address: http://www.life.sci.qut.edu.au/LIFESCI/darben/paramast.htm
World Health Organization
This well-known organization has information on its website on communicable diseases, tropical diseases, and vaccinations, family & reproductive health, health policies, health technology, and non-communicable diseases. There is an excellent collection of WHO fact sheets—for example, one on cholera will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about that disease, including recognizing it and treating it.
Address: http://www.who.int/
The World Wide Web Virtual
A huge list of websites/links dealing with Parasitic Disease topics, well-organized, including links to parasitology atlases.
Address: http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/plaza/aan18/urls.htm
[for other Infectious Disease topics, see
Classification of Dementia and Delirium
Detailed descriptions of delirium and the many types of dementia
Address: http://www.informatik.fh-luebeck.de/icd/icdchVF-F00.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Neurology/Neurosciences
Many links to links for Neurologic resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/neuro.html
Harvard’s Whole Brain Atlas
A multimedia atlas of the brain, including some videos and 3-dimensional x-rays. Also has examples of MRIs of a variety of brain diseases (Alzheimer’s, Pick;s Disease, various strokes, etc). Strong on visual effects and pictures. Not much on written content.
Address: http://www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/home.html
Lewy-Net from Nottingham Med School
A website dedicated to providing information on Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Address: http://www.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk/~mpzjlowe/lewy/lewyhome.html
NeuroAnatomy and NeuroPathology on the Internet
A website from Hungary with voluminous Internet links to these to worldwide websites with information and pictures on neuroanatomy and neuropathology topics. Well-organized.
University of Pittsburgh Cranial Nerve Surgery
Has some nice detailed discussions of Bells Palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Cluster Headaches, Vertigo and other Neuro topics from a neurosurgeon’s perspective.
Address: http://www.neurosurgery.pitt.edu/cranialnerve/disorders/index.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Respiratory Medicine
Many links to links for pulmonary resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/resp.html
From the Respiratory Acoustics Laboratory Environment—Try out your new sound card and speakers with these normal and pathologic lung sounds. Gives 12 examples of lung sounds, including wheezing, crackles, stridor, grunting, etc.
Address: http://www.rale.ca/Repository.htm
University of Iowa's Virtual Hospital: Lung Anatomy
Exquisite details of lung anatomy, complete with x-rays, CT Scans, drawings, slides, etc.
Address: http://www.vh.org/Providers/Textbooks/LungAnatomy/LungAnatomy.html
University of Iowa's Virtual Hospital: Lung
A nice reference for the latest on pulmonary emboli, pediatric airway diseases. Beautifully designed with photos of anatomy, pathology, X-rays and some sound clips. Topics include tracheomalacia, bronchiectasis, sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis and histiocytosis X (what's that?!).
Address: http://www.vh.org/Providers/ProviderOrgSys/OSPulmonary.html
University of Iowa's Virtual Hospital: Lung
A good reference for lung cancer with a database including pictures, x-rays, histology.
Address: http://www.vh.org/Providers/Textbooks/LungTumors/TitlePage.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Rheumatology Links
Many links to links for rheumatologic resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/rheum.html
Medical Sciences Bulletin: Anti-Inflammatory,
Antiallergic, and Immunologic Drug Reviews
Reviews of all the latest rheumatologic treatments or potential treatments, including Arthrotec, Azelastine, Daclizumab, Tazorac and Thymopentin (yes those are all spelled correctly).
Address: http://pharminfo.com/pubs/msb/msbanfl.html
MedWeb: Rheumatology
A huge list of websites/links dealing with Rheumatology topics, listed by disease/medical topic. Well-organized. This is a long URL, but it works just as well to go to www.medweb.emory.edu , click on “subjects” and then click on Rheumatology.
American Family Physician
This journal of the AAFP is now on-line in its ENTIRETY!
Annals of Saudi Medicine
Mostly deals with research done by Saudis on Saudis, but some useful info.
Between Rounds.com
A magazine for physicians, deals with topics concerning practice management—legal issues, employee relations, computers in medicine, etc.
Address: http://www.betweenrounds.com/
Mostly abstracts
Address: http://www.bmj.com/
Canadian Medical Association Journal
An original-research oriented
journal completely on-line and free (and in both English and French!)
Address: http://www.cma.ca/cmaj/index.htm
Centers for Disease Control—Mailing list
Join an e-mail group from the CDC.
Potential choices include Ambulatory Care, Emerging Infectious Diseases, HIV,
MMWR, NIOSH Announcements, etc.
Address: http://www.cdc.gov/subscribe.html
Hippocrates—Practical Advances in Primary Care
From the publishers of the New England Journal of Medicine, this version is much more practical and useful for FPs. Has state-of-the-art reviews with an interactive forum.
Address: http://www.hippocrates.com/index.html
HNOnline—Head & Neck Journal
An on-line ENT journal from Munich, Germany.
Address: http://www.med.uni-muenchen.de/~hno/hnonline/journal/homepage.eng.html
Journal of the American Medical Association
(JAMA) Home Page
Gives a list of all of the journals the AMA publishes, with links to them. Also has some full text articles from JAMA itself.
Address: http://jama.ama-assn.org/
Just the Berries for Family Physicians
From Nova Scotia, purposes to practicing family physicians topics commonly encountered in family practice.
Address: http://www.theberries.ns.ca/
The Lancet Interactive
The On-line version of the Lancet. Journal contents and occasional cover story posted.
Address: http://www.thelancet.com/
Medicine On-Line: The International Journal of
A medical journal for the rest of
the world. Has a fascinating collection of medical articles, in English, from
countries around the world, mostly complete articles.
Address: http://www.priory.com/med.htm
The Medical Journal of Australia
Full articles from the journal--uniquely, though, these are prior to publishing, for peer review. Have some of the most interesting, thorough and applicable articles on the internet.
Address: http://www.mja.com.au/
The Multi-Media Medical Reference Library:
Links to dozens of medical journals on-line.
Address: http://med-library.com/medlibrary/Journals/
New England Journal of Medicine
Has some articles on-line, but mostly abstracts
Address: http://www.nejm.org/
PEDIATRICS Electronic Pages
On-line journal of Pediatrics. Has mostly full-text articles. Currently free--may eventually have to subscribe once it is fully activated
Address: http://www.pediatrics.org
The Physician and Sportsmedicine Journal
Monthly journal with its cover story on-line and abstracts of the rest.
Address: http://www.physsportsmed.com/journal.htm
Postgraduate Medicine
Monthly journal with its cover story and most articles completely on-line.
Address: http://www.postgradmed.com/journal.htm
Science.Kom's Medicine (interdisciplinary) and Family
Medicine Journals
Has links to all the known family medicine-oriented journals on-line, in all languages. Very thorough.
Address: http://www.sciencekomm.at/journals/medicine/med-all.html
U.K. Health Centre—Journals Index
A list of links to on-line journals or websites of journals.
Address: http://www.healthcentre.org.uk/hc/library/journal.htm
U.S. Medicine
The “voice of federal medicine.” A newspaper for VA, Public Health, and Military articles dealing with the medical field.
Address: http://www.usmedicine.com/
Unique Opportunities—The Physicians Resource
A bimonthly magazine dedicated to helping physicians find rewarding new practices and develop their careers.
Address: http://www.uoworks.com/
Euzéby’s List of Bacterial Names with Standing
in Nomenclature
A nice resource to use to search for information on bacteria you have never heard of. I used it to look up Stenotrophmonas maltophilia, which came back on a culture result.
Address: http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/
Hardin MetaDirectory: Pathology &
Laboratory Medicine Links
Many links to links for Path/Lab resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/path.html
Contains hundreds of histology slides on-line. Nice descriptions of the pictures. Also some scanning electron microscopy. Most slides in color.
Address: http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/Histo/frames/histo_frames.html
Pathweb: Virtual Pathology
Contains dozens of histology slides and pictures of lab culture media, Gram stains, etc.
Address: http://pathweb.uchc.edu/
The Virtual Hospital: Atlas of GI
Has nice color slides of alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease, liver cancer, etc.
WebPath: The Internet Pathology Library for Medical
Has laboratory & pathology tutorials, hundreds or thousands of path slides. Nice site. Also has a collection of pictures of Utah, for those who picture Utah as sand dunes and salt.
Address: http://www-medlib.med.utah.edu/WebPath/webpath.html
Diseases Then and Now
Our ancestors used a variety of terms to describe illnesses in their day. When reviewing old documents, journals, diaries and death certificates, we might run across a term such as "died from variola." What does that mean? To understand our ancestors, we must understand their "language." This site gives modern definitions of old terminology for diseases.
Address: http://www.geocities.com/~prairiecreek/diseases.htm
Exhibitions in the History of Medicine—from
National Library of Medicine
The National Library of Medicine’s History Division produces 1-2 on-line exhibits per year, very detailed and visually pleasing with dozens of historical photos, a picture tour through history. This year’s exhibit is on the history of asthma. Other examples include the history of Cesarean sections, Frankenstein, Islamic medicine, and Native American medicine. [Image at right is Elizabeth Blackwell, first U.S. female physician, 1849]
Address: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/exhibition.html
Images from the History of Medicine—from
National Library of Medicine
The National Library of Medicine’s History Division has over 60,000 images concerning medical history, in a searchable database. A phenomenal collection.
Address: http://wwwihm.nlm.nih.gov/
Milestones in Microbiology—the last 125 years
Details significant events in Microbiology in history, from Koch’s work in 1872 on Anthrax to Barry Marshall’s discovery in 1984 of Helicobacter pylori’s role in the development of ulcers.
Address: http://www.asmusa.org/mbrsrc/archive/SIGNIFICANT.htm
The History of Pharmacy—from Parke-Davis
Details the history of the Pharmacy profession, with color pictures and stories. Goes from the “Dawn of History” in caveman times, to 1605 when my ancestor Louis Hébert arrived in Québec as the first apothecary & physician in the New World, to today’s retail pharmacies and prescriptions.
Address: http://www.phar.wsu.edu/History/
Calvin and Hobbes
are not truly medical, but many are still useful for humorous illustrations.
Address: http://www.calvinandhobbes.com/
Dr. Wasserman’s Favorite Doctor Jokes
Address: http://members.aol.com/parentspage/jokes.html
jokes are popular on the web, just the list of websites with them takes up a
Address: http://www.toledocybercafe.com/grhoffmann/lawjokes.htm
Medicine On-line--Medical Humor
Seemingly endless collection of jokes and anecdotes
Address: http://www.mol.net/medhu2.htm
Pediatric Points of Interest--Medical Humor
From Johns Hopkins University, a nice Pediatric site in itself, but has links to 13 collections of medical and nursing humor ( I like the medical dictation bloopers!).
Address: http://www.med.jhu.edu/peds/neonatology/poi3.html#humor
AHRQ Clinical Practice Guidelines
by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly AHCPR), has
guidelines on Urinary Incontinence, Depression, Unstable Angina, Congestive
Heart Failure, Post-Stroke Rehab, Smoking Cessation, etc. Now also includes a
section on Evidence Reports (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters).
Address: http://www.ahcpr.gov/clinic/
American Diabetes Association: Clinical
Practice Recommendations
by the ADA, has information/position statements on diabetic screening, pancreas
transplants, management of diabetes in prisons, unproven therapies, etc.
Address: http://journal.diabetes.org/CareSup1Jan00.htm
A comprehensive database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents produced by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), in partnership with the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Health Plans (AAHP).
Address: http://www.guidelines.gov/index.asp
On-Line Clinical Practice Guideline Links
Links to sets of guidelines on the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, particularly guidelines put out by the medical specialty colleges (American College of Rheumatology, American College of Radiology, etc.)
Address: http://www.drceo.com/magic/magic40.htm
Radiology Society for North America Clinical Practice
Not just for radiology, has all the major lists of clinical practice guidelines.
Address: http://www.rsna.org/
Bandolier Home Page--Evidence-Based Medicine
A monthly journal on EBM with multiple links to EBM sites
Address: http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/Bandolier/index.html
A searchable evidence-based-medicine database. Full articles
only available by subscription.
Address: http://www.update-software.com/abstracts/default2.htm
Evidence Based Medicine Resources for the Busy
Family Physician
John Epling's site with EBM resources, including POEMS (Patient-Oriented
Evidence the Matters), links to Clinical Practice Guidelines, and PubMed
Practice 2000: How to teach Evidence-Based
good site with info on how to teach EBM, how to practice EBM, overcoming
barriers. Also has good list of EBM links.
Address: http://hiru.hirunet.mcmaster.ca/ebm/
STATS - STeve's Attempt to Teach Statistics
as "Dr. Mean" takes you through biostatistics in an easy, humourous
Address: http://www.cmh.edu/stats/
Center Watch
Lists ongoing clinical research trials by disease categories--hundreds of trials throughout the US listed and described. There is a searchable database of clinical trials and also specific information on ongoing NIH studies and newly approved drug therapies.
Address: http://www.centerwatch.com/
CliniWeb Search
A search engine for clinically-related WWW pages.
Address: http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/search.html
Internet Grateful Med
A great search engine for medical topics. Articles can also be ordered and paid for by the Navy. Ms Stilley in the NavHospJax Medical Library has a handout with instructions and codes needed to order the articles themselves on-line, in your office, paid for by the Navy.
Address: http://igm.nlm.nih.gov/
Medical World Search
A search engine for medical-related WWW pages.
Address: http://www.mwsearch.com/
The National Library of Medicine’s Medline Plus
A search engine for abstracts of medical articles found in this library.
Address: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/
The National Library of Medicine’s PubMed
Easy Medline searches, clinical queries, journal browser
Address: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/
Toward's Multimedia Medical Reference Library
Does literature searches from a wide variety of sources, including Medline, for free, after registering. Sponsored by advertisers and money obtained from people who order whole articles. Also has links to journals, medical products and clinical audio files.
[See Search Engines]
Achoo Healthcare On-line
A directory of Internet sites dealing with Health & Disease, mainly Patient-oriented.
Address: http://www.achoo.com/
The Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources
A long list of links to worldwide internet health resources around the world
Address: http://www.arcade.uiowa.edu/hardin-www/md.html
Internet Clinical Medical Resources
Has links to some of the more interesting and unusual medical sites on the internet, including a multimedia tutorial on blood morphology, a patient's reference manual to brain tumors, and "The Interactive Ankle", among many others.
Address: http://www.tricare.osd.mil/references/icmr.html
June’s Links to Rare Diseases
A nice website to go to for looking up websites on rare diseases. Has links for triple-X syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Spina bifida, Sarcoidosis, Progeria, etc.
Address: http://home.earthlink.net/~shermans/dlinks.html
The Karolinska Institute: Diseases, Disorders
and Related Topics
From Sweden’s only medical school, has huge lists of medical sites on the internet, divided by disease type or medical specialty. Previously a great site, but I have been unable to access it in the past few months. [currently down]
Address: http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/index.html
MD Choice
A good source for the latest and greatest. Now has added patient education material, EKG rounds, Photo rounds, news and other features. Has a Physician entrance and a Consumer entrance. Also has a feature where you can log in and it will keep track of your favorite websites for you.
Address: http://www.mdchoice.com/
MedScout Links
A list of disease categories/medical specialties, click on the disease category/specialty you are interested and it brings up a page with dozens of links on that topic.
Address: http://www.medscout.com/diseases/index.htm
Primary Care Internet Guide
A long list of links to Primary Care WWW pages around the world
Address: http://www.uib.no/isf/guide/family.htm
Tricare’s DOD, Managed Care, Managed Care
Support Contractors Links
One of the more comprehensive listings of these sites, particularly Tricare and Contract-related sites, links to which are sometimes difficult to find.
Address: http://www.tricare.osd.mil/references/related.html
UK Health Centre: The Library
An index to UK and other international health and medical resources on the WWW.
Address: http://www.healthcentre.org.uk/hc/library/default.htm
Virtual Medical Center--Martindales Health Science Guide
A wide variety of medical links organized by hospital department--Cardiology, Dermatology, Pediatrics, etc.
Address: http://www-sci.lib.uci.edu/~martindale/Medical.html
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
A huge collection of on-line religiously oriented books from centuries past to modern times, includes study Bibles, commentaries by John Calvin, the Apocrypha & Pseudoepigrapha, Billy Graham’s Peace With God, Martin Luther’s Selected Sermons, John Milton’s Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained, John Wesley’s Journal, Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, and scores of other wellknown books in full text, as well as over 200 MIDI files of hymns.
Address: http://www.ccel.org/
Cornell’s Manual of Laboratory, X-ray, and
Clinical Procedures
Cornell has listed hundreds of tests, separated into these three categories, with indications, pre-procedure preparation, potential side effects or complications, etc.
Address: http://infonet.med.cornell.edu/Lab/default.htm
The GMO Manual
Now with more useful info than ever the General Medical Officers Manual is available completely on-line. Features a nice section on evaluation and treatment of common complaints. Even if they did not include my Sports Medicine handouts in their entirety this year, at least the format is there.
Address: http://www.vnh.org/GMO/01Contents.html
Healthgate—Diagnostic Procedures and Medical Tests
Gives details for literally hundreds of diagnostic procedures--technique, indications, complications rates, etc. Includes radiologic procedures such as Barium enemas, family practice procedures such as sigmoidoscopy, surgical procedures and many others. Very well done. Also at this website is a Guide to Medical Tests, good for both patient and physicians. Has some nice medical clipart, too.
Address: http://bewell.healthgate.com/
The Internet Public Library—Ready Reference Collection
A true library online, with collections of atlases, biographies, quotation books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a variety of health and medical books. Has both online books and links to websites.
Address: http://www.ipl.org/ref/RR/
Lexi-Comp’s Diagnostic Procedures Manual from
Gives detailed information on a very wide range of diagnostic procedures, including a description of the procedure, indications, contraindications, preparation of the patient, complications, and how to interpret the results. Examples of procedures included are: Visual Evoked Responses, V/Q scan, spinal tap, flex sig, anoscopy and amniocentesis.
Address: http://www.healthgate.com/dph/html/
The Medical College of Wisconsin Antibiotic
A nice collection of information on antibiotics, separated into 4 sections—1) Antimicrobial Agents, Costs and Indications; 2) Treatment Recommendations for Common Infections; 3) Recommendations for Surgical Prophylaxis; 4) AHA Endocarditis Prophylaxis Guidelines. One hospital’s viewpoint, but well-documented and useful.
Address: http://www.intmed.mcw.edu/AntibioticGuide.html
The Merck Manual
The real Merck Manual, in its entirety, On-line!
Address: http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/
The Merck Manual of Geriatrics
Like it’s parent book, also online in its entirety, 2nd edition.
Address: http://www.merck.com/pubs/mm_geriatrics/
On-Line Medical Dictionaries, Glossaries, and
From the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, a nice list of a variety of medical dictionaries and glossaries, including a nice Medical Dictionary from MedicineNet, an on-line Dictionary of Street-Drug Slang, and a fairly long list of journals.
Address: http://www.4woman.org/nwhic/references/dictionary.htm
Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents and
Medical Students
Has sections on fluids & electrolytes, normal neonatal exam, congenital malformations, and a variety of Peds Surgery Topics.
Address: http://home.coqui.net/titolugo/handbook.htm
The Doctors Guide to Complete Internet Medical Resources
Lists of links to journals on-line, medical schools, medical reference sites, disease-specific reference sites, etc. One of the best collections of medical websites, and growing every day.
Address: http://www.pslgroup.com/medres.htm
The Doctors’ Page
A good collection of physician medical resources including patient education materials, medical humor, medical quotes, medical sites on-line, doctors in the news, etc.
Dr. Koop.com
A site designed more for patients than for physicians, but has some information from Dr. Koop and a nice variety of information on a variety of medical topics—health news, health resources, health information, etc.
Address: http://drkoop.com/
Healthcare Education Learning & Information Exchange
(HELIX) Web Site
Has Medline, CME, Career Development, Technology & Medicine, HIV. An up-and-coming site which prides itself on having unique information. A great site for the latest info on using technology in healthcare education. Need to register (free) to get a password to use it (but worth it).
Address: http://www.helix.com
MD Consult
From Lippincott-Raven and Mosby-Year Book, the site describes itself as the most comprehensive online medical information service available. Boasts access to 2500 patient education handouts, 500 peer-reviewed clinical practice guidelines, drug information for 30,000 medications, on-line CME, access to 36 Lippincott/Mosby books on-line, and other things. Subscription is $16 per month ($199 per year).They offer a two week trial subscription, which I tried and was impressed. Current complete textbooks on-line include Marriott’s Electrocardiograpy, Habif’s Dermatology, Goroll’s Primary Care, Blumenthal’s Herbal Medicines, Conn’s Current Therapy, Griffith’s 5 Minute Clinical Consult, Cecil’s Textbook of Medicine, and Sabiston’s Surgery, among others. I may actually subscribe to it.
MD Consult is accessible for free via “QDOnline” on America On-line, for those who subscribe.
Address: http://www.mdconsult.com
Medical Dictionary, Medical Message Groups and Chat Groups, Diseases & Treatments, Poison Control Centers, Health Fact of the Week, etc.--free.
Example: As of 01AUG98 a new muscle disease has been discovered, called macrophagic myofasciitis.
Address: http://www.medicinenet.com/
Every well-rounded medical website needs a niche. This one has diagnosis-specific webpages, complete with news, links, latest treatments for each disease.
Address: http://www.mediconsult.com/
Patient info, CME Center, journals, medical reference. Great site! Need a password, but gives you one to use easily enough, free. Also has a new Family Medicine page at: http://www.medscape.com/Home/Topics/FamilyMedicine/FamilyMedicine.html
Address: http://www.medscape.com/
The National Library of Medicine Homepage
Has Health Information, Library Services, Research Programs, Online Exhibits on medical problems and a variety of other resources.
Address: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/
Physicians On-line
Free to physicians, known to many, this site which previously required its own software is now available via the internet, though still requires your password. A great site with access to Drug-Drug Interactions, Pharmacy database, reviews of medical websites, etc.
Address: http://www.po.com/
Quackwatch: Your Guide to Health Fraud,
Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions
Operated by Dr. Stephen Barrett, MD, this is intended to be a consumer-oriented site to protect patients from procedures touted as medical but medically proven not to work. There is a lot of good information here, but the site is heavily biased toward "standard Western medicine." It IS a good site to be familiar with to avoid the "quack" label.
Address: http://www.quackwatch.com/index.html
The Virtual Naval Hospital
A nice site providing information for both patients and providers. Includes the Navy Health Book (patient info), GMO Manual, US Navy Manual of the Medical Department and a variety of other useful info for providers functioning in lonely environments and others.
Address: http://www.vnh.org/
Army Medical Department
Has links to Army medical facilities and information.
Address: http://www.armymedicine.army.mil/armymed/
Aviation/Aerospace Medicine Articles and
Includes original articles on all aspects of aerospace medicine—examples include “The Senses and Flight,” “Which Medicines Should You Take With a Cold, “ and “Herbal Medicine and Flying.” A nice collection.
Address: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~dxw/avmedpub.html
Diving Medicine Online
An online complete book of diving medicine, including 500 pages on such topics as decompression illness, gas embolism, psychological problems, seasickness and women & diving.
Address: http://www.medmatrix.org/index.asp
GMO Manual: NavMed P-5134
Designed for General Medical Officers, but helpful information for IDCs, PAs and others.
Manual for Radiation Health Protection: NavMed
Address: http://www.vnh.org/Admin/RadHealth/RHPManualTOC.html
Manual for Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and
Conventional Military Chemical Injuries: NavMed P-5041
Address: http://www.vnh.org/FM8285/cover.html
Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine: NavMed
Address: http://www.vnh.org/PreventiveMedicine/PreventiveMedicine.html
Manual of the Medical Department: NavMed P-117
Address: http://www.vnh.org/Admin/MMD/001Contents.html
The Naval School of Health Sciences (NSHS)
NSHS Web Site
Address: http://www-nshs.med.navy.mil/
The Uniformed Services University of the
Health Sciences School of Medicine
USUHS website. Has information on the school, links to medical information on the internet, and access for alumni to use the library resources on-line.
Address: http://www.usuhs.mil/
The Virtual Naval Hospital
A very nice website with reams of information for patients and for providers.
Address: http://www.vnh.org/Providers.html
The Virtual Naval Hospital’s “Operational
Obstetrics & Gynecology” by CDR Hughey
Address: http://www.vnh.org/OBGYN/op-obgyn.html
The Virtual Naval Hospital’s “Put Prevention into Practice:
Clinicians Handbook of Preventive Services” , 2nd edition.
Address: http://www.vnh.org/PreventionPractice/TableOfContents.html
Bandaids & Blackboards: Children write about living with
chronic illness
Chronic illness and disability from a child or teenager’s perspective
Address: http://funrsc.fairfield.edu/~jfleitas/contents.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Nursing Links
Many links to links for nursing resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/nurs.html
The Home Care Web Page
For Home Care Nursing, featuring Home Healthcare Humor Page, A Day in the Life of a Home Healthcare Nurse, etc.
Address: http://junior.apk.net/~nurse/
Immunization Gateway—your immunization
A very comprehensive, up-to-date resource for finding practically any information necessary about vaccines and immunizations, worldwide.
Address: http://www.immunofacts.com/
Nursing CE Site from Springhouse Corporation
Earn continuing education credits through on-line tests.
Address: http://www.springnet.com/ce/cecat.htm
Nursing & Health Care Resources on the Net
Provides links to a variety of resources on the internet--Nursing Resources, Health Education, Midwifery, Mental Health, Physiotherapy, etc, from around the world.
Address: http://www.shef.ac.uk/~nhcon/
Resources for Nurses and Families
Nursing education, very good “site of the month” series.
Address: http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~wink/home.html
A site from the University of Texas with Adobe Acrobat patient education handouts on hundreds of topics, including post-op care for dozens of medical procedures. A very thorough site. Many of the handouts are great, a few are poor (I disagree with the one on suctioning a tracheostomy, it says to put the catheter all the way in “until you hit bottom”—the ‘bottom’ they refer to is the patient’s carina, which can be scarred and damaged that way. The correct method is measure the catheter against the size trach the patient has and put it in until it would be just slightly outside the end of the trach.). Nevertheless, this site is one of the best of its kind.
Address: http://www.utmb.edu/policy/educate/
Hardin MetaDirectory: Obstetrics, Gynecology
& Womens Health Links
Many links to links for OB/GYN resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/obgyn.html
The Louisiana State University Medical Center Colposcopy
An excellent step-by-step teaching guide for students of colposcopy, complete with pictures. There are also a cervical cryotherapy, a dermatology procedures atlas, and an endometrial biopsy atlas now.
Address: http://lib-sh.lsumc.edu/fammed/default.html
National Cancer Institute's "Menopausal
Hormone Replacement Therapy"
Gives the scoop from NCI on HRT
Address: http://cancernet.nci.nih.gov/clinpdq/risk/Menopausal_Hormone_Replacement_Therapy.html
The OB/GYN Network
A site with a variety of information on OB/GYN--neat graphics! See their image library at http://www.obgyn.net/image_library/il.htm for Obstetric images, Gynecologic images, Ultrasound scans, Anatomical images, and Rare & Unusual images.
Address: http://www.obgyn.net
The Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
Has Grand Rounds, Patient Info, and very thorough Original Reviews of a variety of ocular problems (Diabetic macular edema, Retinoblastoma, etc.)
Address: http://www.djo.harvard.edu/
Eye Disease or Ocular Disease Information and
Links: A to Z
A very nice site with very good descriptions of a wide array of eye problems with dozens of links.
Address: http://www.eyemax.com/eye_diseases_ocular_disease/index.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Ophthalmology Links
Many links to links for ophthalmology resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/ophth.html
Lance Hahn's Retina Reference
Gives good descriptions of retina anatomy and physiology.
Address: http://retina.anatomy.upenn.edu/~lance/retina/retina.html
Aaron’s Tracheostomy Page
A day in the life of a child with a trach, plus how-to info for parents of kids with trachs and many useful links for children with disabilities--an example of the wealth of information on the internet for parents to link up with other parents with children with similar disabilities.
Address: http://www.twinenterprises.com/trach/
Common Sense Parenting by John Rosemond
A Family Psychologist and author of numerous parenting books, also writes a column for the Florida Times-Union, and has lots of helpful hints--such as how to handle a 2 year old who is always asking “Why?” The web page has his weekly column and descriptions of his many books.
Address: http://www.rosemond.com/
Family Guidebook to the Internet
A nice site for parents concerned their kids may “see something they shouldn’t” online.
Address: http://www.familyguidebook.com/
Focus on the Family Homepage
Dr. James Dobson's organization provides straightforward answers to difficult questions affecting our families, from a conservative Christian perspective. Includes discussion of issues before congress that affect families, including prayer in schools, home schooling, and sex education.
Address: http://www.family.org/
Links for resources for parents who have children with special needs, including ADHD, autism, emotional/behavioral problems, cerebral palsy, Down’s Syndrome, hearing impairment, genetic syndromes and a wide variety of other problems. Has everything about the latest treatments, educational resources, parental support e-mail groups, etc.
Address: http://specialchildren.about.com/parenting/specialchildren/
National Parent Information Network
Resources for parents including reams of material on child care, child health & nutrition, teen issues (divorce, pregnancy, video games, etc.). Also has resources for those who work with parents.
Address: http://npin.org/
See what your patients are reading--”Ask the Experts” column on Peds, has Pediatric news, Consumer Alerts, Parenting Corner, and health tools like a growth calculator and conception planner. A well-rounded on-line magazine on Parenting
Address: http://pedsnet.org/
American Family Physician—Patient Education Handouts
Great handouts, though not well organized.
Address: http://www.aafp.org/afp/patient.html
Arnot Ogden Medical Center: Self Care Guide
Has over 270 disease-specific patient education handouts, very well done. One on benign breast lumps is particularly good.
Address: http://www.aomc.org/HOD2/
CDC Health Topics from A to Z
Hundreds of disease-oriented patient handouts, many on uncommon diseases.
Address: http://www.cdc.gov/health/diseases.htm
Children with Diabetes
An “on-line community” for kids, families and adults with diabetes. Very nicely done, even has recipes.
Address: http://www.childrenwithdiabetes.com/
Combined Health Information Database
The combined database of patient/consumer health information of all the government health-related agencies on a single searchable database.
Address: http://chid.nih.gov/
Complete Home Medical Guide from Columbia
A very good example of home medical guides available on-line.
Address: http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/texts/guide/
ElderWeb: Online Eldercare Sourcebook
An award-winning site for professionals and family members. Has over 5,000 links to eldercare and long term care information on legal, financial, medical, and housing issues, as well as policy, research, and statistics.
Address: http://www.elderweb.com/
Emory’s MedWeb: Educational Resources for
Consumer Health
Links to eduational resources organized by topic--dozens of resources. If you cannot copy and paste the large URL below, go to http://www.medweb.emory.edu/MedWeb/ , click on “browse by subject” then click on “educational resources.”
Address: http://www.medweb.emory.edu/MedWeb/FMPro?-DB=Records.FP3&-Format=kw_records.htm&-lay=Web&-error=search_kwerror.htm&-Max=25&-op=eq&subject==*;Educational_Resources*&-Token=Educational_Resources:&-SortField=Lnk_txt&-Find
Family Doctor
A collection of physician-reviewed, full text patient handouts about common health problems, self-care flowcharts, and health facts. Allows keyword searching and browsing. American Academy of Family Physicians.
Address: http://familydoctor.org/
GovTeen (Go Virtual Teen) Index
A site with lots of activities for kids of all ages, but also some patient or teen-oriented medical information.
Guide to Children’s Eating Problems
An example of the fascinating information you can find on a variety of topics. Has some good advice from the Virtual Hospital’s Iowa Health Book for parents of picky eaters.
Address: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Peds/Diet/EatingGuide.html
The Healing Handbook for Persons with Diabetes
and Their Families
A nicely done up-to-date handbook, with pictures.
Address: http://www.umassmed.edu/diabeteshandbook/
Healthfinder from the Department of Health and Human
A search engine for patient educational materials.
Health Guides on Thyroid Disease
A collection of patient education handouts on thyroid disease.
Healthtouch Drug Information Database
Patient Education handouts on specific drugs
Example: Get a handout on Dexfenfluramine to give to the patient
Address: http://www.healthtouch.com/level1/p_dri.htm
Inner Learning On-Line
A site with both Human Anatomy and Automotive Anatomy information, helpful for explaining a variety of things to patients.
Internet Mental Health: Patient Education Booklets On-line
Excellent, thorough patient information on the entire gamut of mental health disorders, including eating disorders, sleep disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, etc.
Address: http://www.mentalhealth.com/book/
MD Choice Patient Education Center
A well-organized patient information center with info on a variety of topics.
Address: http://www.mdchoice.com/patient.asp
Medline Plus
Health Information
Has health topics, medical dictionaries, drug information and other resources.
Address: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/
The National Guideline Clearinghouse—Links to
Patient Educational Resources
Has links to collections of patient-oriented clinical practice guidelines.
Address: http://www.guidelines.gov/STATIC/resources.patient.asp?view=resources.patient
The Navy Health Book from Virtual Naval
A growing book of handouts for patient education on-line, currently includes handouts on alcohol use, musculoskeletal injuries, cholesterol, hypertension, etc.
Address: http://www.vnh.org/NHB/NHBHome.html
The University of Pennsylvania Ophthalmology
Patient Education
A nice collection of handouts on eye problems—glaucoma, macular degeneration, low vision, etc.
Address: http://www.med.upenn.edu/ophth/patinfo/
The Virtual Hospital: Family Practice
Has the American Family Physician patient education handouts and a collection of handouts on home and family safety.
Address: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/FamilyPractice.html
The Virtual Hospital's Iowa Health Book: Patient Education
by Department
Has links to the specific departments listed below as well as patient education in a variety of specialties and subspecialties, including pediatric subspecialties not listed below.
Example: Had a nice (and true) spread on feeding of the cleft palate child
Address: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Depts.html
The Virtual Hospital: Other Patient Education Collections by
Dermatology: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Dermatology.html
Emergency: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Emergency.html
Hematology/Oncology: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/HemOnco.html
Neurology: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Neuro/Neuro.html
OB/GYN: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/ObGyn.html
Orthopedics: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Ortho/Ortho.html
Otolaryngology: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Oto/Oto.html
Pediatrics : http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Peds/General/GeneralPeds.html
Psychiatry: http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Psych/Psychiatry.html
The Whole Family Center: Kid-Teen Center
A site oriented toward teens with fun and informative narratives and stories written by teens on teen-related topics. Organized to assist teens through these challenging years.
Acute Otitis Media Website—from University of
Texas Medical Branch
A nice educational tool for evaluating and treating otitis media. Gives nice pictures of a variety of ear drums, normal and infected, and discussions of treatment (PETs vs. antibiotics, etc.) with the “experts.” Designed for medical students. May be helpful for PAs, IDCs or motivated corpsmen.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder from
A great "how-to" for ADD.
Address: http://www.icondata.com/health/pedbase/files/ATTENTIO.HTM
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder—The National
Institute of Mental Health
An on-line 29 page booklet about ADHD. Excellent educational material for physicians, but particularly good to copy and give to parents of children with ADHD.
Address: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/adhd.cfm
Autism Links by Judith Kuster
Resources for autism.
Address: http://www.mankato.msus.edu/dept/comdis/kuster2/sldisorders/autism.html
EMBBS Pediatric Advanced Life Support Megacode
Simulator and Radiology Cases in Emergency Medicine
An interactive program for learning PALS On-line--very slow but it works! Also has a series of Pediatric cases complete with X-rays, for educational purposes.
Address: http://www.embbs.com/pediatric/pediatrics.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Pediatrics Links
Many links to links for pediatrics resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/ped.html
National Institute of Dental Research: Dental,
Oral & Craniofacial Genetic Diseases/Disorders
Lists dozens of genetic disorders with descriptions of them--try your hand at remembering some of these names!
Address: http://www.nidr.nih.gov/cranio/index.html
National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD)
Links to resources and organizations. No on-line database (you can order info, for a price, and have it mailed to you).
Address: http://www.rarediseases.org/
NetMedicine's Radiology Cases in Pediatric Emergency
Medicine and Acute Care
Gives multimedia presentations on a variety of X-ray related pediatric topics, including great pictures of Monteggia's Injury and of viral croup.
Address: http://www.netmedicine.com/pediatric/v1/vol1.htm
Pediatric Points of Interest
Links to Pediatric sites, Pediatric hospitals, medical resources, parenting resources, fun stuff for kids, patient education materials, electronic consultations, etc.
Address: http://www.med.jhu.edu/peds/neonatology/poi.html
PedInfo Home Page
Provides a search engine for Peds topics as well as numerous links to pediatric websites sorted by subspecialty.
Address: http://www.pedinfo.org/
PedLynx--the Pediatric Database
An on-line book of Pediatrics--chapters on most health problems affecting children, including over 550 different illnesses and congenital problems. Has everything from Aarskog Syndrome to Zellweger's Syndrome
Address: http://www.icondata.com/health/pedbase/pedlynx.htm
Peds CCM: The Pediatric Critical Care Website
Includes sections on Acute Pediatric Care for the Primary Care Physician, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, Medscape’s Drug Database, Rare Case Registry and the interactive ALL-NET Pedatric Critical Care Textbook with Pediatric EKG of the Month & descriptions of the latest technologies in Peds CCM (such as Continuous Venovenous Hemofiltration). A great site!
Address: http://PedsCCM.wustl.edu/
Vanderbilt Pediatric Interactive Digital
Adolescent medicine, infectious diseases, sports medicine and many other headings each has a variety of peds topics with detailed descriptions and pictures.
Address: http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/peds/pid/
Velocardiofacial Syndrome Information Page
An example of a nice webpage dedicated to a specific congenital
deformity. Includes sound-bytes of children before and after cleft palate
repair (for those of you with sound cards and speakers!)
Address: http://www.crosslink.net/~marchett/vcfs/
Virtual Children’s Hospital: Paediapedia
An imaging encyclopedia of Pediatric disease. Has Neonatal Chest
diseases, Chest & Airway diseases, Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal,
Genitourinary, Musculoskeletal, and Neurologic Disease images.
Address: http://www.vh.org/Providers/TeachingFiles/PAP/PAPHome.html
Botanical. com’s : A Modern Herbal Home Page
A Modern Herbal, first published in 1931, by Mrs. M. Grieve, contains Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-Lore of Herbs. An index contains over 800 varieties of herbs (no pictures). There are also herb recipes and an index of poisonous plants.
Address: http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/comindx.html
Clinical Pharmacology
A great database of drugs, some not yet even in the PDR, with well-organized pages of information on each drug--description, mechanism of action, indications, dosage, pharmacokinetics, cost, adverse reactions, product identification, color pictures, classification overview. Has a free trial period then subscription only for full monographs, free limited monographs. I downloaded a lot during my free trial.
Example: Several pages on Dexfenfluramine
Address: http://www.cponline.gsm.com/
Department of Defense PharmacoEconomic Center
Has access to information on the National Mail Order Pharmacy (NMOP) and to information on the DOD Pharmacy Benefit.
Address: http://www.pec.ha.osd.mil/
FDA's Drug Information Website
Very good site with access to information on current, "retired," and "new" drugs and their current stage of FDA approval. Also has patient information.
Address: http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/default.htm
Hardin MetaDirectory: Pharmacy &
Pharmacology Links
Many links to links for pharmacology resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/pharm.html
Healthtouch Drug Information Database
Patient Education handouts on specific drugs
Example: Get a handout on Dexfenfluramine to give to the patient
Address: http://www.healthtouch.com/level1/p_dri.htm
The Herbal Encyclopedia
An alphabetical encyclopedia of herbs. Fairly brief descriptions.
Address: http://www.wic.net/waltzark/herbenc.htm
Moore’s Medicinal Plant Images
From the SW School of Botanical Medicine, a large collection of herb illustrations on the internet, as well as other herbal medical resources.
Address: http://chili.rt66.com/hrbmoore/HOMEPAGE/HomePage.html
Has the USP (United States Pharmacopeia) Drug Database, .FDA Recenty-Approved Drugs, and Advice for the Patient.
Address: http://www.onhealth.com/ch1/resource/pharmacy/
The Physicians Desk Reference
The real PDR On-Line! The site is put out by the makers of the PDR and is free to physicians who register. The registration requests a DEA number, but military physicians without one can get an access code quickly over the phone by calling their customer service number. It’s worth the trouble!
Address: http://www.pdr.net/
The Natural Apothecary
A website for information on herbal medicines.
Address: http://www2.shore.net/~spectrum/tna.html
Pharmaceutical Information Network Home Page
Find recent articles on a particular medication, drug reviews, Medical Sciences Bulletin, ongoing clinical trials, pharm history
Example: Find recent articles on Fenfluramine (5 or 6 articles listed)
Address: http://www.pharminfo.com/
Matches name of drug with Generic or brand name
Example: What is the brand name for Dexfenfluramine? (Redux)
Address: http://www.rxlist.com/
A nice collection of monographs on a wide variety of street drugs, from Great Britains health department.
Address: http://www.trashed.co.uk/index2.html
“Virtual” Pharmacy Center: Martindale’s Health Sciences Guide
Has everything about everything pharmacological on the internet (possibly even too much).
Address: http://www-sci.lib.uci.edu/~martindale/Pharmacy.html
CDC National Prevention Information Network
Has a wealth of information on STDs, TB and AIDS.
Address: http://www.cdcnpin.org/
CDC's Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Links to the CDC’s info on a variety of diseases, including diabetes, cancer, arthritis, alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease.
Address: http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/
Provides up-to-date immunization information for traveling overseas as well as information on current disease outbreaks.
Address: http://www.cdc.gov/travel
Georgia Epidemiology and Prevention Homepage
An example of a nice state Preventive Medicine homepage. Most states have them if you look. Helpful for determining which diseases need to be reported in your state, as well as having copies of the forms to fill out.
Blood Alcohol Concentration Chart
Using weight, time, and number of drinks, one’s BAC can be calculated—or if you have the BAC, the number of drinks someone drank can be calculated.
(See also: http://www.ovchin.uc.edu/~dpichome/fact_sheets/alcohol-n-D.html)
Address: http://rampages.onramp.net/~seamed/chart.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Pschiatry/Mental Health
Many links to links for Psych/Mental Health resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/psych.html
Internet Mental Health
An excellent, comprehensive site featuring detailed descriptions of the 67 most commonly used Psych meds, the 52 most common mental disorders, links, and on-line diagnosis of a variety of disorders.
Address: http://www.mentalhealth.com/
MedScout: Mental Health Links
A well-organized collection of mental health links.
Address: http://www.medscout.com/mental_health/index.htm
Mental Health Info Source
Info on Mental Health conferences, CME, disorders, etc.
Address: http://www.mhsource.com/hx/index.html
Psychiatry On-Line: The International Forum
for Psychiatry
y News, bookshop, latest articles, reviews. A British site with
links to Psychiatry sites in other countries.
Address: http://www.priory.co.uk/psych.htm
Trillian’s Mental Health Links
Another large collection of Psychiatry links, especially for
Bipolar Disorder and Suicide.
Address: http://www.fortunecity.com/campus/psychology/781/mental.htm
Abnormal Fetal Anatomy--On-line textbook
From Medical & Scientific Information On-line. Gives excellent descriptions of congenital anomalies with what to look for on ultrasound, along with pretty good ultrasound pictures.
Address: http://www.cpdx.com/cpdx/abfetana.htm
From the Department of Radiology at Brigham and Woman's Hospital Harvard University. Has many on-line radiology learning tools including such "exotics" as an Atlas of Myocardial Perfusion SPECT scans with teaching files, nuclear medicine images, and even some 3D movies. A great site.
Address: http://brighamrad.harvard.edu/education.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Radiology & Imaging
Many links to links for radiology resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/rad.html
MDChoice’s X-ray and CT scan library
Hundreds of CT scans and X-rays On-line
Address: http://www.mdchoice.com/xray/xrx.asp
NetMedicine’s Radiology Cases in Pediatric Emergency
Medicine and Acute Care
Challenging pediatric cases with radiographs and detailed educational discussions. Nicely done with thumbnail, click-able pictures.
Address: http://www.netmedicine.com/pediatric/v1/vol1.htm
The Virtual Hospital: Nuclear Imaging of the
GI Tract
Descriptions of most nuclear medicine procedures of the GI tract, indications, methods, etc., with click-able thumb-nail pictures.
Address: http://indy.radiology.uiowa.edu/Providers/Textbooks/ElectricGiNucs/GINucs.html
Address: http://www.altavista.digital.com/
Address: http://www.excite.com
Address: http://www.infoseek.com
Address: http://www.google.com
Medical Matrix
A nice search engine with descriptions and ratings of each site it comes up with. For example, click on on-line textbooks and it will give a description and rating of all the textbooks it finds. Free, but requires registration the first time you use it.
Address: http://www.medmatrix.org/index.asp
[See Medical Database
Searching, p. 17]
Caring Bridge
Families can use this website to create a free website of their own for a sick family member, for friends and family around the world to use to keep up with how the individual is doing. Website can be created in less than 3 minutes by anyone just by filling in the blanks. Has room for a daily journal entry, for 3 pictures, and a place for friends to send a word of encouragement on-line.
Address: http://www.caringbridge.com/
David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages
Many links to a wide variety of US websites offering suport for victims of a variety of trauma.
Address: http://www.trauma-pages.com/index.phtml
Different Roads to Learning Catalogue
Resources for children with disabilities and teachers of children with disabilities, including info on manipulative toys, cognitive skills flash cards, writing and pre-writing skills, scheduling and self-help skills, multi-media for children
Address: http://www.difflearn.com/
Encourage On-line for Teens
Motivated, caring teens providing help and emotional support to other teens through e-mail and internet resources.
Address: http://www.encourageonline.org/
Family Network: Disability Resources for
Another list of links for disability resources, emphasis on Florida.
Address: http://gator.naples.net/presents/FamilyNetwork/disablnk.html
Family Village: A Global Community of
Disability-related Resources
Describes itself as a “global community that integrates information, resources, and communication opportunities on the Internet for persons with mental retardation and other disabilities, for their families, and for those that provide them services and support”. Has a wide variety of information, including charitable transportation services, links to organizations like the Ronald McDonald House, descriptions for various surgeries to repair congenital birth defects, and religious/spiritual resources for those with disabilities.
Address: http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/index.htmlx
Hygeia--An Online Journal for Pregnancy and Neonatal Loss
A new resource for women’s health and healing. The best part is a collection of poetry dealing with pregnancy loss--I have given the website address to many patients dealing with this and they have all appreciated it.
Address: http://www.hygeia.org/
Make a Wish Foundation
An organization that “makes wishes come true,” for children with serious or terminal medical conditions.
Address: http://www.makeawish.org/
National Attention Deficit Disorder
Has ADD news, patient education, links, and support
Address: http://www.add.org/
National Fathers Network Home Page
A GREAT website for fathers of children with special needs
Address: http://www.fathersnetwork.org/
Same Diagnosis Message Board
A large list of diagnoses with messages posted by individuals, usually parents, with or for information. Can be a nice way to link up with parents of children with similar unusual diagnoses.
Address: http://laran.waisman.wisc.edu/fv/queries/msg_diag.idc
Wide Smiles: Cleft Links
Information for parents with cleft palate children, including resources and support.
Address: http://www.widesmiles.org/cleftlinks/
Excerpts from an Australian Sports Medicine book. Niceley done. [currently off-line]
Address: http://www.worldortho.com/sportsmed/preface.html
An fun interactive site mainly geared toward non-physicians, with skeletal, heart, brain, and digestive system anatomical information.
Address: http://www.medtropolis.com/vbody/
Dr. Stephen M. Pribut’s Sport Pages
An excellent collection of Sports Medicine handouts for the practitioner, on everything from Achilles tendonitis to plantar fasciitis, discussing etiology, evaluation, and treatment with emphasis on non-medical rehab. Written by an experienced Podiatrist/sports trainer. A surprisingly good discussion--though I would add medication to the treatment of most of these.
Address: http://www.clark.net/pub/pribut/spsport.html
Hardin MetaDirectory: Orthopedics Links
Many links to links for Sports Medicine resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/ortho.html
MedFacts: SportsDoc and CardioDoc
An “interactive learning experience” in Sports Medicine and Cardiology. Fascinating, and actually pretty good! Has a nice “medical library” of Sports Medicine injuries.
Address: http://www.medfacts.com/
MedScout: Physical Therapy Links
A nice collection of links on physical therapy topics, including diagnosis, treatment, publications, equipment.
Address: http://www.medscout.com/physical_therapy/index.htm
Performing Arts Medicine
Gives links to info on injuries, mainly overuse, suffered by musicians.
Address: http://www.artsmed.org/page3.html
Physical Therapy Corner
A “Center for Sports Medicine Physical Therapy tips and tricks for medical professionals and athletes of all levels.”
Address: http://www.nismat.org/ptcor/index.html
Wheeless’ Textbook of Orthopaedics
A full Ortho textbook with descriptions, diagnostic procedures, treatment and follow-up for the entire array of Orthopedic injuries--complete with a picture of a skeleton you can point to and click on to instantly access info on the bone or joint of your choice!
Address: http://www.medmedia.com/
Hardin MetaDirectory--Anesthesiology Links
Many links to links for Anesthesiology resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/anesth.html
Hardin MetaDirectory--Surgery Links
Many links to links for Surgery resources, a virtual “catalogue of catalogues.”
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/surg.html
The Swiss Anesthesia Server
Educational opportunities for Anesthesiologists, meetings, activities, updates on research and anesthesia topics in the news.
Address: http://www.medana.unibas.ch/
Cyberspace Telemedical Office
Health Product Shopping, Home Healthcare, Medical Library, Wellness Center, Clinical Research Center. A nice well-rounded site.
Address: http://www.telemedical.com/
DOD Telemedicine (Telemedicine and Advanced
Technology Research Center)
Has the latest news on telemedicine and advanced telemedical research. Includes descriptions of ongoing military telemedicine projects, a telemedicine library, and a calendar of telemedicine events.
Address: http://www.tatrc.org/
Hardin MetaDirectory: Telemedicine
A large set of telemedicine links.
Address: http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/telemed.html
MedScout: Telemedicine
A large set of telemedicine links.
Address: http://www.medscout.com/telemedicine/index.htm
The Telemedicine Information Exchange
Has information on everything about telemedicine that can be found on-line, including recent advances, slide presentations available, ongoing research, telemedicine sites, etc.
Address: http://tie.telemed.org/
A nice set of links to teleradiology sites around the world from The University of Bristol's Department of Radiology, England.
Address: http://hercules.rad.bris.ac.uk/Msnm/telerad.html
Digital Urology Journal
Has roundtable discussions on adult and pediatric urology topics, a “Urology Olympics” section, and a very nice patient education handout section.
Address: http://www.duj.com/
The latest news on the Urology front.
Address: http://www.medscape.com/Home/Topics/urology/urology.html
MedScout: Genitourinary System Diseases
A large list of websites/links dealing with Urologic issues.
Address http://www.medscout.com/diseases/genitourinary/index.htm
The Virtual Hospital: Genitourinary Links
A very good site with a variety of Urology information
Please note: If anyone knows of other websites that are particularly useful in the everyday practice of medicine, please email us at iuhs@health-info.com